Monday, March 22, 2010

Blue or Pink??

on 19weeks me and hubby dah pegi scan gender baby.luckily our baby menunjukkan tutt dia without shy..semangat pergi scan cause me and hubby nak pergi bangkok so dekat sana nak shopping la sikit2 barang baby but if tak tahu gender how to shopping kan??xkan nak beli both untuk girl and we went to pusrawi for gender scan and it shows that our baby is.....
sorry for the picture but its funny..

Sunday, March 21, 2010

5 months pregnant belly

20weeks pregnant belly..xnampak sangat pun actually..if orang tengok mesti akan comment 'keciknya perut..' 'laa xnampak lagi eh?' my answer..'hmm tu la perut tak besar..' or 'maybe anak first kot perut kecik'..(menyedapkan hati padahal risau dah ni orang asyik tegur perut kecik je..)

Tp dah buat scan and doctor pun cakap my baby membesar dengan normal so i just ignored what people said..janji baby sihat perut xbesar pun its okay..

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

super cute shoes

mommy is sooo into this lovely shoes..mommy will get one pair for you baby...the blue one is very matched with you SON..;)..mommy loves shopping baby stuff rather than hers right now..

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

pregnancy experience

Two months Pregnant

Mommy was so tired with all the office works plus all the is not just morning sickness but the whole day sickness. Mommy has puked everywhere sampai kena spare plastic beg dalam handbag mommy.Tapi ada one time tu very worst among the worst, mommy has backaches!at that time baby baru 9weeks in mommy's tummy.terasa macam ada benda macam tikam-tikam belakang mommy.The whole night mommy cannot sleep.Your daddy pun urut belakang mommy sambil pejam mata(tidur la tu).Esok tu mommy pergi kerja tp sebab sakit sangat orang tanya kenapa je mengalir air mata mommy sebab tak boleh nak explain sakitnya macam last malam tu mommy puked then relief all the pain.Ini mesti sebab angin dalam badan mommy.

Three Month Pregnant

sickness is still around.Mommy pergi kerja as usual.Tapi before mommy pergi kerja mommy mesti tapau nasi lemak tiap2 pagi.Hari-hari mesti kena makan nasi sebab perut mommy cepat masuk angin.kalau biarkan mesti mommy muntah.Time baby 12weeks mommy pergi jumpa gynea and see you kicking and swallowing in my tummy.So excited!!daddy pun!!He said baby tengah naik superbike because he assumed that baby is a boy.
see there is you tengah kodek2 dalam perut mommy..

Four months pregnant

This months still lagi tak ada perubahan.All the sickness still lg ada mommy still lagi muntah + gas + indigestion heartburn lagi.Lagi parah sebab mommy tak kentut so angin semua keluar ikut atas yang membuat kan mommy always loya2.At this month mommy boleh lagi pergi holiday dengan tok & Wei',Pak long&Maklong,Pakngah&Makngah and your cousin.we went to bandung again, your Tok & Wei's favourite place.perut mommy tak banyak meragam tapi mommy asyik wee wee jer..luckily toilet kat bandung that mommy tak risau nak wee wee kat mana pun..nanti mommy story kat entry bandung k.

Five Months pregnant

Mommy dah pun 2oweeks pregnant!!and another halfway to go.mommy sangat happy.mommy dah tengok pun gender anak mommy..hehehe daddy is so happy about it.mommy kalah bet!tapi mommy pun happy jugak.tak kisahpun baby blue or baby pink yang penting anak mommy sihat.
At this stage mommy still lagi rasa all the sickness2 tu and mommy dah tak berharap pun bila la nak habis alahan2 ni.janji anak mommy sihat!At this five month mommy is going to bangkok jalan-jalan dengan your daddy.hopefully mommy sihat,bila sihat mommy boleh makan banyak and shopping banyak2.hehehe mommy will shopping cutest apparel for you too baby!soon nanti bila baby dah keluar mommy akan bawa baby jalan2 jugak okey..cant wait**

Eventhough mommy got all the sickness and it hasnt finish yet,mommy got no complaint at all.
it is experienced of being pregnant and syukur alhamdullilah because we want you so badly and we got it.hopefully anak mommy sihat dalam perut and mommy will deliver baby dengan selamat.

p/s: mommy has felt ur kicking!and you seems so active in my tummy.
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