Thursday, December 16, 2010

LOL!! hahahaha


Actually this video taken early december..baru teringat nak post..Daddy rayqall tengah beli sport shoe kat Nike store One utama.I pegang rayqall berdiri depan cermin but then dengar rayqall dok gelak-gelak..rupanya tengah gelak tengok muka sendiri dalam cermin..Since rayqall 2month i found rayqall have high enthusiasm towards the mirror..every time he sees his face on the mirror mesti every time (selalu not every time actually)jugak la kalau dia menangis i will go to the mirror..mostly berjaya taktik itu..;p

Perasan tak ada chinese little girl belakang i??at first dia cakap kat daddy dia "look daddy the baby is cute.." but last part i dengar (lam 5minit lepas tu) "daddy what wrong with that baby..he still laughing.." hahahahaha..anybody yang masuk that nike store mula-mula mesti gelak or senyum2 tengok rayqall gelak but end up diorang bagi i weird look sebab Rayqall ketawa NON STOP!!even dah tak tengok cermin sampai i kena stop kan dia dari gelak tak berhenti tu..hahaha..Rayqall bikin malu mommy..

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gap Casting Call

Rayqall's photo shoot for Gap casting call

On 5th December, went to the garden for Gap casting call since the week before tu beli Sweater and baju so the staff dekat One u cakap with the receipt we are entitled to enter the casting call..actually nak pergi on 4th but last minute plan tukar..we all pergi genting..will update on the next buying sweater for rayqall tu memang la hajat nak ke genting..his first outing to genting..ok back to the story, sampai kat gardens rayqall a lil bit cranky tido tak cukup so we decided to postpone to photo session dekat One utama tapi dah petang-petang tu ok pulak mood rayqall so teruskan buat photo shoot kt garden and managed to get the above expression from him..currently vote for rayqall almost 300 but the competitors is so many..ada chinese yang dah 800++ votes..we managed to get the votes pun setelah penat berkempen but sekarang dah stop kempen as for mommy kalau rayqall dapat kira alhamdullilah if not pun just enjoyed the contest aja lah..

p/s: Many thanks to those has voted for Rayqall!!

It is mommy's bestdayyy

it's on 2nd december actually..Im turning 25!!..punyalah lama mood nak datang..sampai dah lupa apa yang dibuat on that day..hmm just story apa yang ingatlah..On that day, we went to Pavillion since dah tahu ape present yang my hubby nak beli untuk i..After makan and jalan-jalan dalam pavi we went straight to the boutique opposite the pavillion and taraaa...i've got this for my bestday pressie!!;p                           

Wanna choose Speedy but end up beli Neverfull..
After buying my pressie masuk Pavillion balik..

                                                       mommy ber'posing' dengan rayqall dalam Pavi..

After buying my pressie sambung jalan-jalan dalam Pavi, Pukul 8 gerak pergi Restoran Bora hubby dah reserved tempat untuk we all dinner to celeb my bedayy..

Bora Asmara Sg Penchala
He reserved this spot!

Hmm so romantic aite??buttttt it is not 3 of us...hubby dah plan with my bestie..Zura and Hani..The moment i sampai tak sempat nak duduk band music(tak tau nak described 1kump main music dari meja ke meja tu)
terus rushing coming to our place and with the waiter bawa kek siap dengan lilin!andddd..di celah2 musicians tu i nampak Irfan, Zura's hubby tersengih and after that baru nampak Zura,Hani and her hubby, Edy..Omaigod..Mereka berpakat with my hubby throwing me a suprise bedayy party..What a great birthday i had..celebrating with the loves one, my hubby, son and them so muchh..the awesome birthday party I've ever had..turning 25 with a great family, great husband and my cheeky rayqall is the best present in the world..moreover with my lovey dovey friends hani and zura, many thanks for the surprised and what more i could the 3 family of us!love u hubby!


Sesi potong cake from SR.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Selera Rimba takes ages for me to updating my blog..malas betol lately nih..tambah pulak,nak menulis ni kena tunggu mood datang..hmm memanglah xdatang mood i..ok this entry nak story pasal trip makan2..last sunday 28th Nov 2010..Sekali lagi pergi ke Selera rimba Sg Lembing..this time we brought 2 friends of mine Zura and Hani (macam biasa) to try the food..At first i agak mesti diorang complaint sebab jauh plus siap redah felda kelapa sawit..but at the end lepas makan memang no complaint at all!semua cakap best!

Monday, November 29, 2010

4 months old

My little boy Muhammad Rayqall Rizq is already 4 months old with the weight 7.5kg.Entering 4 months he got his first fever and automatically developed a new habit which is 'mengamuk' everytime he want to sleep or take a nap.Menangis macam kena dera siap menjerit nak tunjuk yang dia tengah geram.Some people said 'berubah bulan' memang macam tu.OMG! tiap-tiap bulan macam ni pening la mommy.Everytime bila dia mengamuk nak tidur kena peluk sambil bergoyang-goyang and yang penting kena BERDIRI! If duduk je mesti dia jaga and buat badan keras nak mengamuk.haihh this stage is really challenging for me.Rayqall jadi sangat manja even his daddy pun tak tahu cara nak handle when he want to sleep.Tapi yang pelik if i bawa pergi shopping mall or keluar jalan-jalan tak pernah pula dia mengamuk senang je tidur.My mom said 'time pregnant suka sangat berjalan that's why rayqall tak nak duduk rumah';p  

His new sleeping pattern!mesti meniarap!

My notty rayqall..air liur meleleh.
Notice his hand tengah buat ape??Tarik my hair!!hadooii

Trying winter jacket yang cun-cun dekat baby ZARA wishing that daddy will bring us holiday in London!!Mommy's friend bonda zura and mommy hani dah beria-ria nak pergi..mommy pun tak sabar!!mari kumpul duit dulu...;p

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Every time balik kampung my hubby mesti ajak pergi hatyai.Usually akan pergi dengan my in laws but this time since mereka sibuk kami hanya pergi berdua.Rayqall ditinggalkan with my parents because memang tidak sesuai bawa anak kecil, mesti berpeluh rayqall nanti lagipun hatyai baru lepas that time we all pergi memang nampak kesan banjir.Banyak kedai-kedai yang tengah renovate.tapi barang-barang tak terjejas langsung maybe diorang sempat selamatkan.

At border cop passport.Dekat imigresen thailand mesti bagi rasuah rm1kalau tak diorang akan bising.

Sebelum pergi hatyai kami lajak ke Songkhla dulu just because nak bergambar dengan The Mermaid.Tapi at first tak jumpa pula tempat tu yang jumpa kepala naga.On the way nak ke hatyai my hubby try lalu jalan lain pula and at last jumpa juga 'the mermaid' the signature of Songkhla.

Tempat tumpuan.

The Mermaid at Songkhla

At Hatyai's Market

Delicious Dim Sum in front of Plaza hotel.

 On the way back at Dannok jumpa dengan Gajah with lampu brek!

Kedai buku at Dannok ;p

raya haji + rayqall demam for the first time!

 Selamat hari raya aidiladha!baru nak update entry raya korban..Same routine we all mesti balik kampung alor setar to celebrated this festive with our relatives kat sana.On 16th Nov bertolak balik..Rayqall tidur all the way.Mommy pun tidur kejap bangun sembang dengan daddy kejap tidur balik bangun-bangun dah sampai..
This year is our first raya haji with Rayqall, planning nak buat aqiqah rayqall tapi tak jadi coz semua busy.Grandparent rayqall busy dengan kenduri.Cuti pun tak panjang so cancel lah nak buat aqiqah..I Will find the next date for aqiqah bila semua orang tak busy and boleh cuti.Below semua gambar di hari raya and ada buat small bbq on 2nd day..sorry for the bad quality pictures..captured guna handphone je.Tak bawa balik camera sebab my camera yang besar rosak yang kecil pun rosak time pergi PD haritu..hmm bilelah nak pergi canon service centre..

On 3rd day, me and my hubby went to hatyai & songkhla.Hanya pergi berdua sahaja rayqall kena tinggal dengan my mum sebab macam tak sesuai pergi hatyai bawa baby dengan panasnye plus baru lepas banjir pulak so we all pergi berdua saja..but end up balik rumah my mum malam tu tengok rayqall dah demam pulak..Sedihnyer kena tinggal satu hari dah demam..Pity my lil boy..;(

Malam tu merengek sampai mommy pun tak boleh tidur.

The next day at YEOH klinik pakar kanak-kanak.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Entering 3months, Rayqall show us his first attempt and successful meniarap dengan siku terkepit.At that time i baru buka baju nak bagi dia mandi but then tengok rayqall macam bersungguh-sungguh nak kalih badan so me and my hubby biarkan dia main dulu.We just watched him and in a minute rayqall dah pusing and landed on his tummy.Me and my hubby jadi cheerleader sekejap!;p Bravo my son!

Then 3months and 1week,After his first attempt,rayqall langsung tak try meniarap dah.

3months and 2weeks, At 2am i dah nak tidur at that time, before sleep i mesti jenguk rayqall kat baby Cot dia and terkejut tengok rayqall dah tidur meniarap!and after that night, every night rayqall mesti tidur meniarap by his own sampai kena sendal bantal tak nak bagi dia meniarap coz takut dia lemas while we were sleeping.

3months and 3weeks, bila letak rayqall kat playmat, our bed or his cot mesti automatically he landed on his tummy sampai nak bagi susu while he sleep pun susah asyik nak kalih meniarap.Nowadays,Rayqall tidur sangat lasak! Ada 1 time tu i bangun tengah malam jenguk rayqall tengok-tengok dah berpusing 360degrees!hmm sampai sekarang wondering macam mana dia pusing sebab his cot sangat la kecil untuk dia berpusing dengan selesa.;)

His first attempt!
Lasak sungguh anak mommy tidur!

weekend 13th-14th Nov 2010

Actually on 13th we all plan nak pergi makan dekat Selera Rimba Sg Lembing, tempat fevret my hubby..ada i pernah story kat entry our weekend 16-17th Oct sebab my friends pun terpengaruh  nak makan landak masak rendang tapi tak ada rezeki coz kedai tutup..end up makan at my hubby beli ikan terubuk, ketam, sotong, and chicken wing..masak ramai-ramai..makan ramai-ramai hmm lagi sedap!antara menunya Ikan terubuk bakar,ketam masak cili,sotong goreng tepung,chicken wing bakar and air asam..Super Duper yummyyy! After makan have a rest sekejap lepas solat maghrib we all pergi karaoke pulak (aktiviti wajib) but this time try dekat The President Club PJ..sangat best!!bilik besar tu actually muat untuk 12orang..

Makan time!

Bilik karaoke The President Club

Rayqall always show this reaction every time snap his picture using flash.  

On 14th, we all pergi serbu rumah my friend at puncak jalil pulak..kali ni western food, ada lamb chop, mash potato,salad and bihun friend hani and her hubby yang masak.Asyik bersembang sampai lupa nak snap gambar time makan.;p konon after makan nak terus balik tapi geng lelaki ajak pergi we all pergi Neway ktv puchong..menyanyi dari pukul 11 till 3am..balik rumah terus pengsan..

At hani's house.(on the left)
Karaoke Session at Neway KTV.

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