Thursday, December 16, 2010

LOL!! hahahaha


Actually this video taken early december..baru teringat nak post..Daddy rayqall tengah beli sport shoe kat Nike store One utama.I pegang rayqall berdiri depan cermin but then dengar rayqall dok gelak-gelak..rupanya tengah gelak tengok muka sendiri dalam cermin..Since rayqall 2month i found rayqall have high enthusiasm towards the mirror..every time he sees his face on the mirror mesti every time (selalu not every time actually)jugak la kalau dia menangis i will go to the mirror..mostly berjaya taktik itu..;p

Perasan tak ada chinese little girl belakang i??at first dia cakap kat daddy dia "look daddy the baby is cute.." but last part i dengar (lam 5minit lepas tu) "daddy what wrong with that baby..he still laughing.." hahahahaha..anybody yang masuk that nike store mula-mula mesti gelak or senyum2 tengok rayqall gelak but end up diorang bagi i weird look sebab Rayqall ketawa NON STOP!!even dah tak tengok cermin sampai i kena stop kan dia dari gelak tak berhenti tu..hahaha..Rayqall bikin malu mommy..


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